LMSE is collaborating with:
- World Health organization (WHO)
- Mérieux Foundation
- Gabriel Network
- Institut Pasteur de Lille
- INRA Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Liverpool school of Tropical Medicine
- Institut Pasteur de Paris
- ANSES (Lyon, Ploufragan)
- Unité de recherche « Microbes Evolution Phylogénie et Infections » (MEPHI), France
- Quality Control Center Laboratories, Chamber of Commerce Industry & Agriculture, Tripoli, Lebanon
And hospitals and providers of clinical samples:
- National Tuberculosis Program and its related centers
- Al Nini Hospital
- Al Youssef Hospital Center
- Tripoli Governmental Hospital
- Makassed General Hospital
- Dar Al-Shifa Hospital
- Al Hamidi Medical Center
- Tripoli Medical Center
- Al Bachaer Medical Center