Training & knowledge sharing

strengthening our partners’ capacity to conduct research projects independently.

Chapters 1-5

Epidemiology & Disease Surveillance

The epidemiology and disease surveillance module provides information on the different types of epidemiological studies that are available to study the different health problems in populations.

  • Authors: Sélilah Amour, Thomas Benet & Philippe Vanhems
  • Publisher: Mérieux Foundation
  • Language: English
  • Theme: Epidemiology & Disease Surveillance
Chapter 1: Introduction to epidemiology

Chapter 1 is an introduction to epidemiology. It defines the epidemiology, its objectives and presents the history of this discipline and the main scientists who have participated in its progress.

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Chapter 2: Different types of epidemiological studies

Chapter 2 describes and classifies the different types of epidemiological studies, including descriptive and analytical studies.

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Chapter 3: Descriptive studies

Chapter 3 describes in detail the descriptive studies such as cross sectional surveys, case control series and ecological studies.

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Chapter 4: Cohort studies

Chapter 4 describes the different types of cohort studies and their implementation.

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Chapter 5: Case control studies

Chapter 5 describes in detail the different types of case-control studies.

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